Wednesday, September 16, 2009

R1P2: Day 36 of VLCD
Weight: 256 lbs
Loss of: 1.2 lbs
Total Loss: 27.8 lbs

So, I see I haven't written in a couple days. Been busy with all sorts of things. Like going to the doctor for a check up. She told me that my 'trying some things' is going to get me into trouble, so I am going back to more standard. heh. She has included a couple more things like berries into my diet since I really don't want to eat apples and oranges. Even before the diet they were considered something for me to avoid. Too much sugar. Especially oranges. I'm going to limit my mixing of veggies. I think I got a little to much for a while. So I am going 'strict' Simeone and kicking this into gear. I did it yesterday and woke up to a 1.2 loss. Previous day .6 loss. She looked at my charting and saw I slowed down a little w/ the playing around. It helped to talk to her because I felt it has been going so slow, but if I stop and look at the numbers, I really haven't been going slow.

I tried on a bra yesterday. I had bought a new black bra, but wanted a tan color bra to go under white shirts I can NOW fit into! :D So I got a size.. wait for it.. 40!!!! bra. Yes, I went up a cup to D because the C was a bit too funny looking. But the 40 was SO comfortable. YEAY! Something as simple as a 40 on a bra when I came from a 48 is so comforting to me, and shows me progress.

I made an amazing soup today. Sharing time!
Basil Tomato soup- I cooked tomatoes in water and let the taste leach out. Put in some of my favorite spices, plus fresh basil. Then I slightly blended it. my oh my was it good!!! Secret tip: Add a little vinegar. Just a little! It really helps.
I had it with baked fish. I have enjoyed backed fish with a sprinkle of onion and garlic powders. I love onion powder because it gives that onion flavor with out adding big junks of onion! :)


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new bra! That is a huge difference, and I bet you feel great in it. I am going to have to try your tomato soup recipe. Do you mind sharing how long you let it cook and how much water you used?
