Sunday, September 13, 2009

R1P2: Day 33 of VLCD

Weight: 257.8 lbs
Loss of: 0.8 lbs
Total Loss: 26 lbs

I'm very tired today. Will take a nap. Not a good restful nap. We finally opened the window and it was better. But some guy thought it would be nice to work on his roof this morning, and not a pound pound pound, but a pound.... a moment of silence.. then anouther pound. As if he was trying not to wake anyone up. :P

I started late yesterday:
Breakfast: Coffee
Snack: Grapefruit
Lunch: Hot chicken and what was left of the salsa, some celery
Dinner: Cauliflower and an egg mixed w/ spices and baked for 6 minutes- I need wax paper, it stuck and so I took it out earlier. YUMMY and filling
Snack: 3 egg whites - FILLING

I skipped a fruit because it got too late and had to finish the egg to get a serving of protein according to Simeone.

anywho. More later!


  1. Great loss! I'm still crawling along about .2 a day.
    Have a great day!

  2. I finally got back to reading the blogs! Happy to see your total weight loss!!! Thrilled for you! We need some new pics! I just posted some. :)
