Thursday, September 10, 2009

R1P2: Day 30 of VLCD

Weight: 259.8 lbs
Loss of: 0 lbs
Total Loss: 24 lbs

No loss, but happy w/ the 2 in a row loss. I bet if I had better sleep last night, went to bed earlier and slept in later I might have seen some loss. I'm wise now to the sleeping.

My hubbies birthday was yesterday 9/9/9 :D We went to his parents house, and they had these sandwhiches which are yummy but I didn't feel I HAD to have. So no temptation, though lately I haven't felt temptation for anything but filling my body with something when hungry. I've gotten a little lazy w/ food, but it's okay. Not bored.

Breakfast: Coffee w/ vanilla stevia and ice
Lunch: Shrimp/onion curry
Snack: Orange, some w/ lunch too.
Dinner: Roasted Chicken with a simple salad w/ some grapefruit
Snack: Rest of the salad and grapefruit (had to finish to get my calories)

I'm feeling pretty positive right now. I have noticed my weight loss has shifted to a 0,0, loss, loss, 0, 0, loss, loss. :P I am going to try to go to bed early and sleep in. hehe. Break the cycle and get more losses! I'm having a hard time figuring out what I can eat and what I can't eat. I'm wondering if I should do 2 days the same just to see. No clue.

I will try to play with eggs and cauliflower. It's on my doctors approved list, I want to make a 'pizza dough' that I saw. They use a cheese, but I will drop that. If it's too nasty I will wait till p3. But I would love to make one and throw chicken on top :) But come p3 I have a feeling it will be my best pizza replacement dish. :D

anywho. Off to work out

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I am almost all caught up with reading your blog. Congratulations! You are doing fantastic!!
    I am on my second round of Dr. Simeons' HCG Protocol. Doing it on my own. It's great to find someone else who is going through the process.
    Keep up the great work!!!
