Friday, January 1, 2010

R2P2: Day 18

Weight: 210.2 lbs
Loss of: 1.4 lbs today
Total Loss: 13.6 lbs


I'm happy to see that I am losing well. I love that I am almost out of the 10's. To be 210.2 for 2010 LOL Works for me!

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful night last night and did what you wanted! I hope that all your cheats or food plans came out succesful!

I'm off to my parents for a nice New Years Dinner. CHEATING! :) My possible last cheat till I hit 180. I want to take a 1 week break then. But I will decide that in 30 freaking lbs!!!! :D I love it. SO CLOSE to the 199 mark! There will be NO cheating when I get THAT close! ;) LOL

anywho. Have a wonderful day! May it not be as dreary as the weather is outside!