Thursday, January 21, 2010

quick update: Take care of yourselves

Hey guys,

I was sitting and thinking. My mom got a huge health scare this week, but the check up found out that she is fine.

It made me think today, what if she was sick? What if she was going to die soon? I would miss her and I don't want her to die.

Which got me thinking. We don't really take good care of ourselves do we? Many of us on the diet are taking control and finally getting healthier, but I'm a daughter who will lose their mother one day. She takes fairly good care of herself for the most part. She has made it a goal to see my son graduate. So that motivates her.

I think of myself and what I put in my body and I go, my son will feel the same fears of losing a mother one day. I want to be there as long as possible for him.

I think we should all realize, it's not just ourselves that we need to be healthy for, but those people who love us, children or mates. Good friends. The neighbor who enjoys meeting you at the mailbox. Your death will leave a hole in this world.

If you don't take care of yourself for you, then think of those around you. Let that motivate you to live one more year longer.

Go to the your doctor, may it be a naturalpath or western typical. Maybe it be blood work, or mammogram. Make sure you keep your mental wellness in check as well. It's not fun to just have a body sitting in a wheel chair when you can't communicate with the person! So it's the whole package deal folks!

Please, keep yourself aware of your body, mind and soul! :)


  1. Thank you. I posted this quote when I found out my brother had died Sunday:

    Birth and Death is a grave event; How transient is life! Every minute is to be grasped. Time waits for nobody. - Inscription on a Zen Gong

  2. Thank you so much for posting, Steffi! What a great reminder and I am so glad your mom is okay. :)
