Thursday, October 29, 2009

R1P2: Day 79

Weight: 236.8 lbs
Loss of: -0.2(gain)
Total Loss: 47 lbs

Because gaining nothing wasn't going anywhere fast my body had to gain .2 lbs. :( I am taking a day off from hcg meds. I talked to my doctor and they said I could techniqually take 1 day off a week from taking HCG.

I'm ovulating and I think that is my 'TOM' for gains. I actually lose rather well during my TOM so my body had to say 'lets mess w/ it elsewhere'. I have always had a harder ovulation. I would actually cramp up on my ovu as well.

So, to give me a pick me up I decided to try on a size 16 dress I have had in my closet and could NEVER lift over my thunder thighs.. well today I did it! I put it on and zipped it up within an inch of the finishing line. I'm totally good. That totalllllllly made up for gaining a little.

(wow, our power flickered, my computer went out and this post was somehow saved.)

So ya, I'm going to work on heming and finishing up the costumes today and feel good that I fit better then ever into my clothes and that I DO need new pants! That is so much better then any other diet where you go 'crap I gained, I'm going to have me a cookie and call it quits, or I am going to work out 3 more hours then yesterday. :P

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