Monday, October 19, 2009

R1P2: Day 69 of VLCD

Weight: 240.2 lbs
Loss of: .8
Total Loss: 43.6 lbs

I ate pretty last yesterday. I split up my 'lunch' into a before and after dinner snack. I just wasn't hungry. I was thinking I wouldn't lose any weight eating so late, but I still lost .8 lbs. Nice.

I had a nice piece of cod w/ pan roasted cauliflower for dinner. For lunch I mixed up albacore w/ tomatoes and onions. It was very yummy. I wanted to put it on a bed of lettuce but it didn't work out.

I did the sliced apples and because we were at my parents home I made the dessert for them. They really enjoyed it. I feel strongly about sharing this way of eating with people, they look at you like your a 2 headed monster for what you eat. I'm eating normal food and it's yummy. I shared my cod and cauliflower w/ my parents and there were amazed it didn't have oil. My parents have always eaten healthier then me. They have pretty much been thin all their life. My mom would always sort of roll her eyes if I ate junk. She never raised me to eat junk. We never ate from a box growing up. I was thin. So now I am eating healthier and I want to show my mom that it's just as tasty as her healthy foods. She is skeptical about using no oil, she doesn't go over board w/ it, she uses mostly a spray, but she likes it. I used to like it. I used to also think you need a little oil to make everything not stick and taste better. Who would have known that water does the same trick.

I'm 4.6 lbs away from reaching my October goal. I'm feeling REALLY good about it so far. This is my 3rd month that I am doing this diet and it will be better then Sept. I hope. I still have 8+ days to screw it up. heh. But I'm working the plan, sticking to protocol. Okay, I mix my veggies a little bit and eat cauliflower which is on my doctors list. But I'm doing just fine. I'm losing the weight and it is showing. Now to fit into a size 22 soon! heh. My shirts are SO baggy my lower half has to really catch up now! :) heh

Have a great wonderful week! Do something today to get rid of an old habit you wanted to get rid of, or throw away that item you have been keeping, but saying 'one day I will get rid of it!" - I'm getting rid of old cards that really don't have emotional attachment to. Decluttering. And I got rid of stuff that wasn't important enough to be put in my son's baby book. Just kept the good stuff.


  1. I am so happy for you! Congratulations on all your progress.

    I plan on getting rid of a lot of stuff - I plan on going room by room and getting rid of anything I've not touched in 6 months that isn't seasonal. It's time. I need to declutter!

  2. I'm starting round 2 soon so I'll be getting rid of some more fat! I know, I know, I just couldn't resist that...sorry. lol
