Sunday, August 16, 2009

Side Note:

So I broke down to my friends yesterday and told them what I was doing. It was intersting. I had one friend who said to me "oh.. my friends girlfriend is doing it too".. and then "So, where do I sigh up?"
I gave him more information about it. He has a trusted doctor he goes to so he will talk it over with his doctor and we will see what comes of it. We both tried losing weight together but it just didn't work out. (no pun intended). It would be fun to have him much slimer. I think it might help w/ some of his health problems, and I know he has some image issues that he would resolve by being thinner. He is such a dear friend and Iwon't push him, I realllly hope he will consider it, and then go on it! I would so have him over for dinner every night! :) heh

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that funny, I had the same reply from a friend of mine. I was ready to go into the whole schpeel of how the diet works and so on....all I had to say was HCG and she was like "I know a lot of people from my old church that did that, they lost a lot of weight"!!! Saved me a whole lot of explaining and made me feel really good that she has positive knowledge about the diet!
