Monday, April 5, 2010

R3P2: Day 14: Two Week mark!

Weight: 186.4 lbs
Loss of: 1.4 lbs
Total Loss: 13.8
Total over all: 97.4
Lbs left to lose: 53.4

Hello Everyone,

I was 1.4 lbs lighter on the scale. Nice. I feel like this weekend was a muddle on my weight because it was ALL OVER the place. :P I think a simple 'once on' is all I really need and move on. Take it and love it.

I'm excited. 3.4 lbs to having only 50 lbs to lose, plus having 100 lbs lost.

Today I am cleaning up my kitchen and playroom area. Boy does it need it. There is a lot of toys I need to clear out, plus the kitchen could use a good scrub. I want to find dishes and stuff to get rid of. I have a cool app on my Itouch. Home Routine- it works of the principle of FlyLady on my little device. I Love it. I focus on Kitchen and playroom (since it's our dining room area) this week. I like a clean home, but want to find a way to lessen the STUFF!

Decluttering the body, decluttering the home. I'm watching on Netflix on demand: "How to Cook Your Life" Very zen take on baking bread. I was thinking. Bread does not make us fat. It's us buying the chemical filled bread and sitting on the couch all day eating it. I think if we eat home made bread instead of going to the store to buy it we would be healthier and enjoy our bread too. Go for a walk afterward. :) Do some house work or something. Maybe turn on the music nice and loud and dance! Exercise doesn't have to be boring! and it doesn't have to take form of standing on a tread mill facing a blank wall. When I get thin enough I want to start walk training for a marathon. That would be fun. Actually, I think I would enjoy 5k. I was over 200 lbs and I still enjoyed 5k walks. You can do it at any weight as long as you don't care about 'finishing first'. Just doing it is so freeing. I need to go find them in my area again. I used to walk the one every year with my dad in his Government walk. Agency's walked together and it was totally enjoyable.

I will give you more info on how I enjoyed the documentary. I'm in the middle of it. I started it last night when the husband put our kid to sleep. It's their time to bond and I get some quiet time! WIN WIN!

Today's Recipe: Very non-p2 but enjoyable recipes (I have managed to eat it on p2 and lose, so eat at your own risk and comfort level if you do decide to play it fast and lose. You have been warned, and I can't be held accountable for your enjoyment and possible gain! hehe)

Big Serving of shredded Lettuce
Small serving of diced Tomato (you can forgo this)
TINY bit of chopped onion.
Serving of chicken cooked and crumbled up.

Non fat sour cream. Mix with a little of each: dill, garlic powder, salt, water(makes is sort of a dressing consistency)

Mix all the ingredients. You could put a little diced celery for crunch if you were going hog wild. Or leave out the lettuce and put in more diced celery for a chicken salad. You could put this eventually on a slice of bread. But that is totally p4.

It makes for a great salad that tastes so refreshing. I have managed to lose well after eating this during a good day. You don't have to use so much sour cream, and mix it to your taste consistency with water for more dressing, but not more sour cream. Add any other seasonings you find yummy. My mother has done a dill, sour cream, vinegar dressing, but I can post that another time.

Have a wonderful day and I hope your weather is nicer then ours. I am ready for at least a day of sun!!!


  1. WooHOOO!! 3lbs away!! I am so doing the happy dance for you- I'll just bet you reach that goal this week!

  2. YAY!!! You are doing great!!!

  3. Thats so exciting...I am in P4 right now, and was thinking how in my next round, I will be up to 50lbs lost, and that too is so exciting.

    Congrats on your GREAT results!
