Tuesday, March 30, 2010

R3P2: Day 7

Weight: 191 lbs
Loss of: 08 lbs
Total Loss: 9.2
Total over all: 92.8
Lbs left to lose: 58

Hello Folks,

So yesterday was a success on the scale today! :) I lost .8, and a loss is a loss after a bit of cheating. I did have a great salad, but still a cheat. I'm okay with an almost 10 lb week.

I hope to have at least a 5 lb week next week. I fit a littttttle better into my my size 16 pants. Give me another week at least. :)

This week started off well. Tomorrow is Preschool for the little guy! I am hoping it's just as fun for him as it was last week.

I totally feel that the adjustment to my drops did the trick. I'm not HUNGRY all the time. I was going to give myself a week before I decided if I needed the life caps. Thanks for suggesting them though! :) They are sort of pricey if I don't really need them, and I have managed really well my last 2 rounds without them. I am taking HHCG which has been working just fine. I will have blood work done at the end of it all though to see that my liver is fine. My doctor was concerned about that part since she didn't know exactly how that company was making the hhcg. Oh well.

Thanks for all your support! :) I'm going to bed now. It's a bit late.