Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 weeks and counting

Hey folks. I am trying a Windows Live Writer to see if this works, plus to let you know that I am in the works to start HCG in 2 weeks. Less now, but 2 Friday's from now.

I went up to 204, but now I am sitting at 198 since doing the ‘right thing’. I don’t do the right thing often with food, and I forgot how much fun real meals with flavor can be. I made a chicken dish with peppers, tomatoes and corn. AWESOME! Corn and Carrots are a no-no apperently but honeslty they are better than chips, or corn dog, so I am not going to worry about it unless I have something better to eat. :)

I am trying to eat eggs in the morning and switch between steak and chicken.


Okay, I’m going to see if this posts works through this program now. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your post Steffi! I'm going to start a new round in September, so I won't be far behind you. My birthday is at the end of August, and I DO intend on having birthday cake!!
