Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello from the dark side!

Hey Folks,

My life is going. I am going to work on getting back on the posting horse.

Honestly a couple things: I got lulled into eating instead of posting. I think that is why I gained a HUGE amount of weight. I'm doing the whole 'I want to lose the extra weight I gained before I diet again" :P well, at least I can eat normal food right? Old habits die hard, and it would be great to post.

My computer also died and so I have had to use my husbands computer for a while till I set something up. :P I hate laptop keyboards.

I got lazy, I got tired, I started going to bed earlier and getting up and going off. I know i had moments to post, and honestly, I realized those moments were me sitting on the couch eating or resting. :P heh.

I am so going to post later, for I am 8 minutes past the bed time. My son has an EARLY summer school program. Up too early for me personaly.

Talk more later. I promise not to let this page get too moldy or dusty! I love talking, I love exploring, and I feel blogging and share,and getting feedback was so healthy, plus that thought a day book was awesome. I learned a lot about myself and my diet.

Being off the diet has taught me a lot too about my old habits and how they die hard, or rather- refuse to die. I guess we are all there.

Anywho! Talk more later before I make it 10 min past my bedtime! Hugs to all!!!!!


  1. I'm so glad to see you're back! Don't go away like that again!! :)

  2. Hi Steffi- I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award on my blog!

    I've missed you!! SO very glad to see you posting today-
