Wednesday, November 25, 2009

quick update - Rant

I'm done w/ goal setting. As in "I want to lose 15 lbs in a month."

The hcg is working for me, I have been at my thinnest in 8 years. Almost to my thinnest in 10 years. THis works! I will not fight it by setting goals.

As I said to my husband. If we let the energy come into our body and lead us, we will find success, but if we start taking that energy and directing it we will only mess ourselves up.

I'm letting the energy of the hcg come into my body and trust it to do the right thing. I will become thin! I AM focused. I haven't cheated on this diet and I am 60 lbs lighter. I'm doing VERY well. It will happen at the speed in which it was intended to work.

I wanted to lose 30 lbs before the cruise. I have lost so much body size it's ridiculous. I'm happy, but the only thing that makes me unhappy is when I get onto the scale and see "I am not close to my arbitrary goal"

I think these weight goals are for non-hcg'ers who need to focus and force themselves to be good. I'm lucky. I don't have to work as hard on this diet. It will come to me as long as I follow the directions, which I have done!

I just had to say that because I was so caught up in the stupid "I'm not reaching my goals, should I even bother eating tomorrow?" YES! I am going to relax, listen to my body (Thank you Nikki) and enjoy tomorrow. I won't go overboard, but I will enjoy myself with little nibbles here and there just see what 'real food' ;) tastes like! Darned be the scale, a day of supervised nibbling won't set me back into a size 26!! Or even a size 22! So there!!


1 comment:

  1. Enjoy and you have done great. 60 pounds is remarkable. I get the whole wanting to be thinner by cruise date. For the first time in my life I am starting to think about vacations that require swimsuits. And Im not even at a weight yet I would be comfortable with doing that. Enjoy your thanksgiving with those nibbles of real people food :P
